Tuesday, December 18, 2012

About the tabloid

I don't think that I'm gonna check it myself. The "great guitar player" who has a blog has a lobby, but so do I. When I found out on his blog - it was through the assistant of Neta. She sent all the studio a link to this blog in the name of Neta (and without any question) a year ago or so. It did look like it came from Neta. The assistant just got the e-mail addresses of all the studio, a logo of Neta was there proudly while the the name of the assistant was in small letters which I didn't see in the start. I didn't like his blog from the start, but I gave very few more trials before the great fight I had with him. I found out that the assistant made it without to ask Neta through the fact that the nice one told something to Neta about the blog she sent and Neta didn't know what's it's all about. In the last trial I made was one of the lonely times that I really made a try to read it. And he sent the loosers who read it for they will read two others. By his words - those blogs are the same as his, only in the dancing side. It belongs for two "amazing" dancers who never made a mark on anything. One of them... I don't even remember who she is. The other one - do a fake being nice in Facebook to all, but... I found out that she try to still students from others. And this is before we talk that others tell about her that she's nothing who did nothing. I don't know why did I get so low (maybe because my blog had hardly 6 six months on air, the fact I have some readers is a made of hard work and not a miracle, and I wanted some more readers) - I wrote him that I don't know if he read my blog. Although I'm not a professional dancer - maybe my blog fit him to tell others. And then it was the start of his attacks over me. He thinks that I don't have a right to write a blog cause I do it for my own pleasure (never said it's anything else). Unlike me - the nothing was in Spain, split blood and she has all the right to do whatever she wants. I heard some people who say that he's something in all the garbage that comes out from his mouth, but I have some readers of my own. I even have some more than him as I know (at least I had in the last time I checked long time ago) and although I will always want to rich some more (flamenco is everywhere) - I receive some great comments. Most of comments came from people I never met face to face in my life (which is the biggest complement I can ever get). And I know about at least few who came to buy some flamenco stuff because of me which is a part of my idea in this blog (any person who start to learn or love flamenco because of me, buy flamenco clothes, CD's, DVD, ticket of flamenco shows or get into a flamenco workshop because I write about it here - that's the point and a kind of complement as well). Not only that - Some who heard the story told me that he don't have the right to treat me this way. At least most of them also said that I do a good/great job by writing this blog. Now it came to a new level. I guess I won't check it, but one of people who likes the idea of this blog (or anything that promote flamenco) told me last night that he found out that the "great guitar player" try to make give me a fight with a blog himself. He called it "a flamenco tabloid". in a way - it became officially garbage that pretend to be a flamenco issue. Words of another... And the "great guitar player" who has an "amazing" blog counts it as education and say that he's the best.

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