Friday, August 31, 2012

Getting ready for the new year

Now that next thing to wait for is the new year. This Sunday there's a new year in the studio. I will have some new stories and probably will learn many new things. I know it's an option to keep going with the bata de cola, but I don't have the mental power for this right now. Still - twice a week from this Sunday. And some new shows. I will have one "ordinary" class once a week and two shorter classes (an hour each) in another evening which works more on the work itself

For the end of the show

Looks like that I forget to tell a thing or two every time that I tell about show. This time I forgot to tell how did the audience responded in the end of show of Eint. When it's really over - accept of crazy claps all stood up. At least most of audience. That moment was when Ilan saw me. And there was a little girl who brought a rose to all people who have been on stage. Einat got from her a rose and a some more flowers. That was cute. and in case you didn't get the luck to be in the premier - next times in Tel Aviv will happen at 21 September (tickets' selling is open) and 18 November in Felicja Blumental Music Centre

Couple more of Einat

Couple of photos of Einat Schacham. Those photos has been taken in end of year show of studio. We didn't have only the groups of classes - she danced too. In those photos it's the the dance she have in her new show Mi Pasion with recorded music. The lights became better since..... Photos by Yaron Segal

After watching the show of Einat

I got back from "Mi Pasion" of Einat Schacham. So, it could have an end of recommendation, but something after the show made me a little shocked too much. Now I even think of that I could ask Shuky who sang there about a guajira in the show, but I didn't. The show was in Felicja Blumental Music Centre, were it will be again in the next twice. It's a place where usually have concerts of classic music, so I don't get there much although it's very close to my house. With all the respect to classic music - it isn't my cup of tea. The other times I was there - I was on stage as well (end of year shows), so I forgot it's too hot for me there and I didn't come prepare with a fan. Some came before me, but it wasn't crowded yet. It was weird - I'm used to meet people that I know in those shows and I couldn't see anyone. Maybe few that I could remember that I saw somewhere before, but couldn't remember where. I know that my friend from the studio missed it because all tickets were sold before she tried to get to herself. She will go next time. And for telling what was the drama - I must tell that there was there an old witch. I mean 0 I'm not sure she's a real witch, but.... Suddenly I saw her: a woman who looks at least 90 years old but walk by herself with no problem. A little old woman who looks like a the bad witch from fairy tales. She looked at me with an angry look like I did something wrong to her. I did my best not to notice, but it was pretty scary. And I walked near her - a think that made her look at me this way again. I took a piece of paper which told what's gonna be in the show. I saw that there was a credit to Neta Shezaf for a solea por buleria that Ilan Miller dance and she made the choreography. When doors opened - already many people and all pushed to get in first like "good" Israelis. Tickets with no sign of chairs. I found out that Neta sat in the first row. I asked to sit next to her. I asked her how come didn't she tell she made a choreography for this show. She was a bit surprised that she recieved the credit. In this time - another woman who sat there complained that the chair between us is broken. Another one was angry cause she thought that a man behind me didn't save her a chair. A photographer found out it wasn't and sat next to me. The angry woman complained that he sit there. He asked me if I'll save him the chair when he'll get up in the show. As a joke we agreed that we;ll talk after the show about my payment for this service. Someone that I know from the studio and company of Neta came as well. I thought we're not get along, but she said hello and tried to be polite. The sho itself has started with an instrumental part. Tientos that moves to tangos. All of them sat there dressed in black. Yoel Taublib started with a short solo, after a while the others joined him -Andreu Ilin on one more guitar, Hagai Leshem on cajon and Shuky Shveiky sang. it was amazing and they got their jaleo and claps. When it finished - Ilan Miller got on stage fast and sat on a chair near the musicians. A sole part. Only Yoel Taublib played on his guitar while Andreu was pulling down his. Einat came to stage slowly wearing a red bata de cola and had an amazing dance. Only her with her bata, Yoel with his guitar and Shuky sang. It isn't a regular thing that there are palmas in solea, so in the quiet part of sinning - no palmas. But when it were times of dance and guitar - all musicians accept Yoel (who played) made palmas. It made an affect that feels like in a trance. Like it wasn't enough - the stage is very small, the bata is huge, and the dance itself was hard. From time to time the bata was a bit outside the stage. It didn't matter for the look - Einat showed unhuman control on her body and bata. It was one of the best things I saw lately. She received some crazy claps. Than quiet. She stood, made a legs part and made it faster for a buleria. After she finished this amazing part - she went down from stage. The musicians after her. Ilan let alone on stage. He took his chair to the middle of the stage. He made his solea por buleria with a recorded music. It was beatiful. It's hard for me to tell in word what it made to me, but it was one more great part. In the end of his too short part - he took his chair out of stage. Einat got back to stage with another dress. She also danced this time with a recorded music. A short and unique part. After that - Yoel Taublib got back to stage. Hardly sat down and hardly started - one of the high rows was shouting that he loves this part. Yoel made a sign to thank with his head. After a while - the other musicians came, stood in the side and made palmas. It was good, but the part that I felt the less connected to. Than all musicians worked on a guajira. Einat got back to stage. A friend of hers made the choreography to this one. I love guajiras and with this dancer... It didn't need anything more to make me joy.It started with a shawl. Than she pulled it down on a piano that was on stage. Instead she took a fan and danced with it. After a while - changing the fan. The second one was with a lot of fabric that goes "after" the fan. In this part (or did it start with the first fan? I don't remember) - Shuky has started to sing Mi Mulata of Juanito Valderrama. I noticed it's this song cause I love this song and see it as my first guajira. I wanted to ask Shuky about this song, but... Forgot. After this part - one more instrumental with sinning. Alegria. And the end. Eint and Ilan came back with different clothes. As it fit - for the end was a buleria. It's was happy as it should. There was a part that I guess that I noticed cause I dance... Like it wasn't till the end as they wanted but knew how to get out like nothing happened. And a short fin la fiesta. In this part - Ilan noticed that I'm there and sent me a kiss. Sweet. Neta made a lot of jaleo, but it was weird that Andreu who play for her in shows and the studio didn't get more than one jaleo, and Einat who was the star hardly received jaleo from Neta. And they worth to get it. Yoel got some, Ilan got from her - mostly when he danced solea por bleria, and mostly Shuky received her jaleo. I ran to the dressing room when the lights came back. I didn't get to get in. Just wanted to say that I loved it. I had to go out and wait. It wasn't too long till Einat went out and hugged with everyone but me. I asked her how did she manage with the bata. She said that she don't know how did she do it, and before she finished to talk with me (and almst hug me too) - someone else took her attention. I went down to find Ilan. Near the dressing room (which is close to the toilets) was a horrible woman who asked me what do I look for, and before I answered she sent me to the toilets instead of letting me go to the dressing room. After three times or so that she sent me to the wrong place I said that I look for Ilan. Finally she let me. In the way I saw Neta who was in the way out. Said goodbye. I saw him there with regular clothes but no shoes. I saw that he talks with someone. When I got there - I saw that he talked with the old witch. She looked at me with anger again. He asked her if she knows me, then told me who's she. She suppose to be a dancer. Then she attacked me. She said something like "What's that? How do you look? No one will tell you the truth! Doo you see yourself? No one will tell you the truth! You don't need to look this way? And what's this hair?" Before I understood what happen - she pulled my hair, said how she thinks it suppose to be, and again - "No one will tell you the true! How do you look? You need to take another character. Do you see yourself? No one will tell you the true!". I said "ok, ok", but didn't really mean it. I was shocked. Then I told Ilan that we'll talk. I almost went, but then she did. I stayed to talk with him. He said that he's sorry for the behavior of the witch. She hurt many people and get shocked every time. He still wasn't prepare that she will pull my hair. Later on - I saw that Shuky and one more person get in. Andreu said hello. I was a bit weird in this part... Einat came too. She asked if I enjoyed. No, not at all! I did, a lot! I was the last one from the audience who stayed that long. In the way out I almost lost my way. That witch!

A painting of Carmen

One painting of Carmen Amaya. I saw it many times before, so it's probably a famous painting. Still - I have no idea who's the painter. In case any of the readers knows - I would love to hear about it

The premier

Tonight is the night - the premier of the new show Einat Schacham. It's been too long since I went to a premier of a dance show (a year), and although it's again Made In Israel - I'm really happy from it. I do believe in Einat and other people who will on stage with her. I have a good feeling that I will have some good things to write tonight. I guess it will end in a recommendation to go to the other times she will show

Fall season

SAN ANTONIO SEASON SEPTEMBER 21-22 Buy your ticket NOW, (210) 8424926

Next week in Jerusalem

Next Friday September 7 at 19:00 at the Hakawati Theatre, Sheikh Jarrach, Jerusalem

The upcoming show of Adi

It never happened to me before. I heard about flamenco shows there before, but never went there before. I called to Clubhed to check how much cost a ticket to the show of Adi Akiva and maybe to invite one to myself by the way. Maybe as a blogger I should get tickets for those things for free, but I still don't and I don't dare to ask (only to ask for full price if there's no special price). The next show will take a part in Tel Aviv this September. When I called the nomber of the place - I got to "record" that tells how to get to study in a college outside Tel Aviv. I thought I made a mistake, closed the phone and called again. No, it wasn't a mistake. I got there again. This time I listened again till the end. The last choice (No. 6) was to invite tickets in the Clubhed. They still answer there as the college. I asked about the show of Adi. My phone nomber was already on their screen, so the woman I was talking with wrote it. I had to spell my second name many times (Timen is such a difficult name... Well, not really, but there are not many with this name and most of people - even in Israel can't handle it). I could ask what they didn't write on the flyer - it cost 60 NIS for a ticket. It's better to invite a place in the phone before comes the show's day, but the payment is only in cash and only in the place itself when doors get open - at the hour 21:00. So, if nothing will happen in the last moment - I'll see this show at 12th September. It must be good. I missed her workshop in Tel Aviv (how terrible), but I know that 3 years ago she recieved a scholarship for short study from Farruquito when he get to be in Tel Aviv for Días de Flamenco after a contest. And through what I saw in YouTube - she have what to show. And she will have some great musicians with her.

Few more photos

Sharon Sagui. Photos by Shulamit Bushinsky

One more for the continue

One more photo of Neta Shezaf that has been taken by Shulamit Bushinsky

Couple more of Neta

Neta Shezaf in both photos. In the second photo it's possible to see Andreu Ilin on the guitar as well. Photos by Shulamit Bushinsky

Concha Jareño in Lima

CONCHA JAREÑO en Lima CURSO INTENSIVO DE FLAMENCO Del 24 al 28 de Octubre HORARIOS Coreografía Nivel Medio-Básico : Alegrías Miércoles, jueves y viernes: 7:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. Sábado y Domingo: 12:00 p.m. a 1:00 p.m. Técnica de giros y mantón/Todos los niveles: Miércoles, jueves y viernes: 8:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábado y Domingo: 1:00 p.m. a 2:00 p.m. Coreografía Nivel Avanzado: Seguiriya Miércoles, jueves y viernes: 9:00 p.m. a 10:00 p.m. Sábado y Domingo: 2:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m. Precio: Por 1 curso: S/. 300. Por 2 cursos: S/. 580. Por 3 cursos: S/. 850 Lugar: Escuela "Pasión Flamenca": Centro Español del Perú (Av. Salaverry 1910, Jesús María) Cupos limitados. Informes e inscripciones: Jimena Cuéllar Tlf. 2750714 / 2792833/ Nextel: 94604*4607/ Rpc: 991099045/

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Couple of Compas

Compas Company. Photos by Dorit Friedman